Dr James Furniss
Roslin Institute Genomics Platform Manager
Email - jfurniss@ed.ac.uk
About the Roslin Institute Genomics Platform:
Genomics Platform website: here
The Roslin Genomics Platform specialises in the production of single-cell/single-nuclei sequencing library preparation, utilising two leading technologies available: The 10X Genomics Chromium microfluidics system and Parse Biosciences WT Evercode plate-based approach, allowing library builds to be tailored to the researcher’s requirements. We also advise on experimental design, sample preparation, sequencing strategy and if required can co-ordinate with the Roslin Bioinformatics team to bring their analysis skills and experience to projects.
Beyond single cell sequencing, the Genomics platform is also home to Long-Read sequencing capability in the form a ONT GridION and PromethION P2 solo and if researchers are looking to save lab time on routine DNA/RNA extractions a Promega Maxwell RSC 48 Instrument is available to provide rapid automated DNA/RNA extraction.
For quotations or to discuss your genomics project, please get in touch with the manager James (jfurniss@ed.ac.uk) or academic lead Dan (daniel.macqueen@roslin.ed.ac.uk)
About James:
James holds a PhD in Cell Biology from the University of Edinburgh where he studied the function of Ubiquitination of Transcription factors in the regulation of Gene Transcription using the immune response of Arabidopsis as a model system. James has since gained extensive experience as a lab manager at the Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences and the Roslin Institute. Since taking the role of the Genomics Platform manager, James has been producing high-quality single-cell and single-nuclei RNA-seq libraries using both 10X Genomics and Parse Biosciences based technologies, often from unusual non-model species, acquiring extensive experience in working with difficult samples.