Rachrapee Sukmak
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachrapee-sukmak-01123b22a/
Email: R.Sukmak@sms.ed.ac.uk
PhD Project: Understanding farm animal immunity with single cell transcriptomics
Supervised by: Prof. Dan Macqueen and Prof. Jayne Hope (The Roslin Institute)
Postgraduate research
My PhD project focuses on the immunity of farm animals, particularly cattle, using single-cell transcriptomics to explore gene expression and functions across different cell types. Through this approach, I will analyze transcriptional data from various tissue samples, cell types, and experimental settings, with a primary focus on vaccination modules, specifically the pre- and post-vaccination responses in calves. The aim of the project is to gain a deeper understanding of the immune response during vaccination, with the potential to improve vaccine efficiency and overall animal health.
Biography and previous work
I finished my undergraduate degree in Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Kasetsart University, Thailand. During my final year, I discovered an interest in academic research and bioinformatics. After working for a year, I started my Master’s degree, shifting my focus toward bioinformatics. My Master’s project involved a whole-genome sequencing study of the insect called “Hermetia illucens” or Black soldier fly (BSF), which is gaining popularity as an alternative protein and lipid source for livestock feed, and for its ability to convert organic waste. Alongside my Master’s degree, I also worked as a research assistant in animal nutrition and occasionally as a teaching assistant.
Outside of academic life, I love watching films and exploring new beers.

Sukmak, R., Suttinun, C., Kovitvadhi, U., Kovitvadhi, A., & Vongsangnak, W. (2024). Uncovering nutrients and energy related gene functions of black soldier fly Hermetia illucens strain KUP. Gene, 896, 148045. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gene.2023.148045