Jianxuan Sun
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jianxuan-sun-62b858211/?originalSubdomain=uk
Email: j.sun-52@sms.ed.ac.uk
PhD Project: Comparative analyses of farmed animal immune systems using single cell transcriptomics
Supervised by: Prof. Dan Macqueen & Dr. Adam Balic
Postgraduate research
My PhD project focuses on understanding the immune system of farmed animals using new single cell sequencing methods. The project will test and develop new single cell protocols. In addition, this project will promote new collaborations on comparative analysis of farmed animal immune cell biology, which will initially focus on contrasting fish with avians. My research will seek to identify the evolutionary conservation and diversification of different immune cell lineages and subsets, in the context of genome evolution.
Biography and previous work
I did my bachelor degree in Molecular Biology at the University of Liverpool and a masters degree in Cancer research at the University of Glasgow. I completed an honours research project on the molecular mechanisms that regulate different leukaemia subcategories. However I have now moved track completely, am following my long-term interest in aquaculture. Apart from academia, I enjoy traveling and eating.

Xiuxiu Wang, Feng Chen, Jingyi Zhang, Jianxuan Sun Xinyang Zhao, Yuelu Zhu, Wei Wei, Jing Zhao and Zijian Guo. (2019) A ferroptosis-inducing iridium(III) complex. Science China Chemistry
Kai Liu, Xiaokang Ren, Jianxuan Sun, Qianli Zou, and Xuehai Yan. (2018) Primitive Photosynthetic Architectures Based on Self-Organization and Chemical Evolution of Amino Acids and Metal Ions. Advanced Science News, 1701001